Calling all families to please lend a hand! Many hands make light work so if you are free to come along and help care for our grounds / complete projects that would be much appreciated.
Our Term 3 working bee is on Sunday 20th August 2-4pm
BYO Gardening Tools & Equipment if possible please!
Please confirm your attendance using the below form
Some jobs for the day include: topping up / preparing the 4 raised garden beds so they're ready for the children to plant in, moving archive boxes from the equipment shed to the committee shed, sweeping down, wiping and tidying the front entrance and notice boards, clean up of the service yard, turning the soft fall under the play equipment (particularly swing and cubby) and general weeding.
All other working bee dates can be found on the events page.
Please note: To have your maintenance levy refunded a parent/guardian must attend at least 2 volunteer events (working bees and/or fundraising events (ie. bunnings bbq)) held during the course of the year for the full allotted time of the working bee or 2 hours (whichever is the lesser).